Q: To begin with, introduce yourself, tell us a little about yourself and why you enrolled in the Polytechnic of Security Studies.
A: I’m Filip Palac, I’m 29 years old, I come from Zagreb. I am currently working as a controller for oil and oil products. I work for an inspection house, we currently work for Janaf and Tifon and some other smaller companies. I enrolled in this college because it gives me the opportunity to advance in the company’s hierarchy. We are looking for a job as a security engineer. The company supports me in my studies and I enrolled in this college because it offers me a profession and knowledge.
Q: Do you think VSS was worth it?
A: Certainly, at the beginning, when I didn’t start studying, we can say that the field of occupational safety was quite unknown to me. And now, at work for these three years, I somehow look at everything through this protection at work. And what can be improved, what must be respected, what rules must be followed and the like. So from that perspective, VSS was very helpful.
Q: What did you write about in your final thesis?
A: On the final paper, I was writing a case study from Coca-Cola when there were poisonings in the eleventh month of last year. I’m also interested in crisis communication, because I think it’s quite underdeveloped even in Croatia, so I think there’s a lot of room for improvement, and it seemed to me that at that moment Coca-Cola didn’t react well to that case of poisoning.
Q: How do you think they could have reacted better?
A: They could have simply better reached as many people as possible, with more precise messages, maybe even on social networks. Tell your side of the story, that is, your truth, tell what actually happened, and not let them get lost in the sea of fake news.
Q: Would you recommend the Polytechnic of Security Studies to your friends?
A: I would definitely recommend, I’ve already recommended a couple of people, so why not. Especially for people who have small children or work long hours. I think fax is ideal for such people. The more a person devotes to that university, the more interested they are, the better off they will be, right?
Q: Do you have any recommendations for us? What could they do better for future students?
A: I don’t have anything specific to recommend right now. The professors are excellent and go out of their way to meet as much as they can. The items are useful and practical for my job, which is a big plus.