enVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
hr     en
enVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
hr     en


Education is one of the most important investments you’ll make in your life.


We understand how significant the cost can be, and that for some students, scholarships turn the dream of business school into a reality.

We want to make sure that deserving and exceptional students get the financial support they need to take full advantage of our school experience.

VSS has a portfolio of scholarship opportunities open to all students. Below are some of these opportunities. For others please contact our admissions office.

Currently Open Scholarships

Below are our currently open scholarships:

  • Currently there are no open scholarships.

Other scholarships

Students may obtain a reduction in tuition fee in the following cases:

  • Payment in one installment to the VSS’s gyro account: 10%
  • GPA in the completed undergraduate and graduate program 3,5 – 3,99: 5%
  • GPA in the completed undergraduate and graduate program 4,00 – 4,49: 10%
  • GPA in the completed undergraduate and graduate program 4,50 – 5: 15%
  • Alumni VSS/SSBM: 15%

We have several other scholarship options (e.g., based on professional experience) – you can contact admissions office for more information at prijava@vss.hr

Student Scholarship

„Thanks to the scholarship, I achieved my goal of success – I appreciated the flexibility of the admissions office to suggest the best possible option.“.

Guidance and Advice

Email: prijava@vss.hr