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enVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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Why choose University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety?

University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety is part of SSBM Geneva that is a global, innovative and unique school with students from all around the world. Our programs were designed in partnership with over 30 industry leaders. Our educational programs will help you stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing environment. We guarantee Swiss Quality Education.

University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety

Study programs

Professional Undergraduate Study on Security and Safety is a three-year study (6 semesters), 180 ECTS points are acquired, which is the first level of Bologna higher education.


Professional Graduate Study on Security and Safety is a two-year study (4 semesters), 120 ECTS points are acquired, which is the seocond level of Bologna higher education.

Invest safely in your future

University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety

VSS aims to provide a superior learning experience that will directly influence your professional development. With our unique programs, you will strengthen your strategic vision, effectiveness, and leadership for managing today’s organizations. Our educational programs will help you stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing environment.




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vss study experience

Study Experience: Luce Lozančić

How has studying at the VSS influenced your personal and professional development? During my studies, I mastered new skills that are extremely important for my future profession. In addition, I gained a wide range of knowledge thanks to lecturers and...
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volontiranje u udruzi Mali Zmaj

VSS and SSBM volunteer at “Mali Zmaj”

Volunteering is much more than an activity; it is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others with our kindness and effort. We are proud to announce that students and staff of the Polytechnic of Security Studies...
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mate lausic - intreview

Interview with the professor and general: Mate Laušić

How has your long experience in the military and security shaped your approach to teaching at the Polytechnic of Security Studies? I had some experience in teaching because while I was in the Ministry of Interior, and since 1990 in...
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Student testimonials

  • “It’s never too late for the right thing, and studying at the VSS program is certainly one of the right things. There you will find a multitude of interesting topics, interesting lecturers, the possibility of re-accessing lectures via recordings, simple organization, excellent support and much more… Investing in education = investing in yourself = the best investment.„

    Dragutin I.
  • “I would like to emphasize the quality and stimulating atmosphere, we really get a wide range of knowledge within the professional studio. I recommend to everyone who wants to enroll in one of the courses of study at VSS to be patient and persistent, to continuously study and perform academic duties, because the study is really not too demanding and with a little effort you can achieve studying while working. The relationship between the students and all the professors is excellent as far as I’m concerned, they are always helpful and you shouldn’t be afraid to ask if something is not clear related to the new material.„

    Kristina B.P.
  • “Education at VSS is a great opportunity for personal development, but also for the development of the environment in which I work because of the acquired very useful knowledge that I can implement in my work and activities. The way in which the teaching is organized, the quality of the work of the lecturers and the content of the course is at a high level, therefore, attending lectures and studying at VSS – u is very interesting and in accordance with the needs of the students.„

    Stjepan K.
  • “The manner of lectures and their organization certainly contribute to the quality of VSS itself. The accessibility of the VSS team at any time really facilitates communication and timely information. The availability of materials and recordings of lectures are a relief and welcome for students who study alongside a regular job.„



    Antonija J.
  • “At VSS, I am studying at the Professional Diploma in Security, and in the next year of my studies, I plan to choose a major from the Department of Protection of Persons and Property. A quality online study platform with the possibility of easy connection with fellow students, organization, and interesting materials with lecturers with rich experience are just some of the reasons why I would definitely recommend studying at VSS.„

    Marin R.
  • “Education at VSS is organized in such a way that students who are employed can regularly attend classes, given that lectures, field classes, and exams are always outside of working hours, as in my case, I could be regularly present at all lectures, field classes and exams. All in all, I am happy that I enrolled in this particular course because it is fully adapted to people who are employed.„

    Ivana P.
  • “Education at VSS offers me an excellent opportunity to study in parallel and perform all my business obligations. Recordings of the lectures themselves, which are available the day after the lecture, allow me to be constantly up to date with the curriculum, because due to business obligations, I cannot be there every day. The professors and the school go out of their way to meet the students as much as possible and respect our extracurricular business obligations in order to have the best possible final results.„



    Filip P.

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