enVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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enVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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VSS Pluses


VSS + represent the pluses that we provide through our educational programs. Discover the benefits provided by VSS through our research, lifelong learning, alumni community or as part of SSBM Geneva where you have opportunities to connect with students and the alumni from over 80 different countries.

Our Pluses


  • Relevant research
  • Global journal of Business and Integral Security – GBIS.
  • Business management and integral security 
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Career Centar

  • Opportunities to advance your careers through understanding various jobs
  • Development of job search skills and making decisions 
  • Identifying employer networks 
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  • More than 4.500 alumni students
  • Connect with students from 80 different countries in the world
  • Become a part of a global community with SSBM Geneva
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Lifelong Learning

  • Formal lifelong learning
  • Informal lifelong learning
  • Global programmes 
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University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety guarantees quality education and various benefits through VSS+.  



Contact Info

Veleučilište studija sigurnosti

Veslačka 2a
10 000 Zagreb

+385 (1) 4668 819

Social Info

With our help, you will strengthen your strategic vision, efficiency and leadership for security management.