enhrVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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enhrVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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December 2020


Three Essential Facts About Workplace Safety: Every worker has the right to a healthy and safe workplaceWorkplace safety is everyone’s responsibility If you get injured at work, you must seek medical help and report it to your employer
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Enrollment of the new generation of students soon! We will soon announce the student enrollment for the new generation of the graduate security studies beginning in March 2021. More information coming soon.
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Imamo novu Facebook stranicu! Facebook is a global network that connects our students with each other as well as with the faculty members and others. Follow our Facebook page and become a part of the VSS online community. Možete se povezati na sljedećem linku.
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We have a new LinkedIn Page! LinkedIn is a global network that connects the business community. You can connect to LinkedIn by following our site and thus becoming part of the VSS community. You can connect at the following link.
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The training of safety engineers in Croatia has a long tradition and began long before in many European countries. The Higher Technical School for Occupational Safety was forced to close in 1986 due to the reform of higher education institutions in Croatia, the intention of which was to assimilate and merge all independent higher schools...
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New web site! You will notice that we have a new website! Completely redesigned, in new colors, with a new logo. Soon a lot more material, pictures, videos etc …
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College of Occupational Safety and Health continues the tradition of educating safety engineers for 50 years as part of the Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva. College of Occupational Safety and Health in 2020 became part of SSBM Geneva and thus opened new perspectives, global connectivity and additional opportunities for current, future and former...
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As of April 1, 2020, the Dean’s Office and the General Affairs Service of the College of Safety moved to a new office space in the building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the existing address at 5 Ivana Lučića Street. FOR CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS, FROM NOW ON, WE OPERATE IN...
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Why is Occupational Safety and Health so important? 1. Occupational safety and health ensures that physical, mental and social health are essential for a successful work environment. 2. An effective occupational safety and health system in an organization will reduce potential accidents, damages and injuries 3. Occupational safety and health improves the workplace and ensures...
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Occupational Safety and Health students have various career paths that they can choose from. Once students complete a degree in Occupational Safety and Health they might wonder which career paths are open for them. The fact is that they have numerous paths to choose from in various industries. Students who successfully obtain a degree in...
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