In the past month, Dr. Darko Palačić, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Occupational Safety at the University of Security Studies, distinguished himself by participating in two important international events dedicated to occupational safety and risk management.
International Seminar/Webinar: “Protection Planning”
The first event, an international seminar/webinar on Protection Planning, organized by The European Society of Safety Engineers, took place on March 22, 2024, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Seminar je bio posvećen stalnom stručnom usavršavanju iz zaštite na radu sukladno relevantnim pravilnicima i propisima. Tijekom ovog događaja, dr. sc. Palačić je održao zapaženo izlaganje pod naslovom „STAKEHOLDERS ANALYSIS – Utjecaj na planiranje zaštite zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu“. U svom izlaganju, naglasio je važnost procjene utjecaja i interesa ključnih dionika u procesu donošenja odluka o planiranju zaštite, kao i motivaciju onih s velikim utjecajem, ali slabim interesom za zaštitu na radu.
The seminar focused on continuous professional development in occupational safety in accordance with relevant regulations and laws. During this event, Dr. Palačić delivered a notable presentation titled “STAKEHOLDERS ANALYSIS – Impact on occupational health and safety protection planning.” In his presentation, he emphasized the importance of assessing the impact and interests of key stakeholders in the decision-making process of protection planning, as well as motivating those with significant influence but weak interest in occupational safety.
The 25th International Quality Symposium: “Quality – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”
In the same week, from March 20th to 22nd, 2024, under the auspices of the Croatian Society for Quality Managers, the 25th International Quality Symposium was held in Šibenik with the theme “Quality – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.” This symposium brought together experts from around the world, including Finland, the United States, Slovakia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Croatia.
Dr. sc. Darko Palačić
Dr. Darko Palačić, along with his colleague Mr. Tomislav Dobrović, presented a paper on the topic “Philosophy of Risk Management in Integrated Management Systems.” The paper covered fundamental concepts, philosophy, and key aspects of risk management within integrated management systems, demonstrating the rich experience and expertise of the authors in implementing risk management systems and other systems according to international standards.
Through these two events, Dr. Darko Palačić once again affirmed his status as a leading expert in the field of occupational safety and risk management, not only within the academic community but also in a broader international context. His contribution to the development and implementation of best practices in these areas is invaluable to the professional community and industries striving to create safer and healthier work environments.
We are truly proud of his contribution and look forward to further innovations, as well as events like these. We remind you of the upcoming professional conference: Trends and Examples of Good Practice in Occupational Safety, which will be held under our organization on Thursday, April 11, 2024.
In addition to Dr. Darko Palačić, other recognized experts will also participate in the event, including Assoc. Prof. Ana Rački Marinković, Muhidin Omerdić, Dipl. Eng., and Tomislav Katić, Mag. Eng. Sec..
Let’s come together and step towards a safer future because only together can we make a difference and ensure that occupational safety is more than just an obligation – it is the foundation upon which we build a better tomorrow.